Chite Lui River
2023 JUN 14
Preliminary >
Geography > Resource geography > Resource geography
Why in news?
- Chite Lui River in Mizoram is in danger as it has been turned into a dumping ground.
About Chite Lui River:
- Chite Lui River is situated in Aizawl, Mizoram.
- It is situated in an alluvial valley at an altitude of about 1,000 metres.
- The river starts its journey from Bawngkawn range in north Aizawl and flows for around 20 km in eastern Aizawl before joining River Tuirial.
Major threats:
- The rapid growth of Aizawl City has led to unplanned construction activities on the river bed of Chite Lui River.
- The river also suffers from loss of natural vegetation and soil erosion due to deforestation and land use change.
- Moreover, the river has also become a dumping ground for various kinds of waste generated by the urban population.
Consider the following rivers:
1. Chite Lui
2. Tuirial
3. Barak
How many of them flows through the state of Mizoram?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None