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International Conference on Green Hydrogen

2023 JUL 7

Preliminary   > Science and Technology   >   Energy   >   Renewable energy

Why in news?

  • The three-day International Conference on Green Hydrogen (ICGH-2023) is being organized at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.

What is the International Conference on Green Hydrogen?

  • ICGH is organized by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy in partnership with the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Office of Principal Scientific Advisor to Government of India and the Confederation of Indian Industry.
  • ICGH aims to explore how we can establish a Green Hydrogen ecosystem and foster a systemic approach for meeting the global goals for decarbonization through Green Hydrogen.

About Green Hydrogen:

  • Hydrogen is the most abundant element – it’s estimated that 90% of all atoms are hydrogen atoms, comprising around three quarters of the total mass in the universe.
  • There are no natural hydrogen deposits on earth; it has to be extracted from other compounds by a chemical process.
  • The vast majority of industrial hydrogen is currently produced from natural gas. This process is known as steam methane reforming
  • Producing hydrogen in this way is sometimes referred to as brown or grey or blue hydrogen
  • Hydrogen can also be produced by the electrolysis of water.
    • This is by using an electric current to break water, H2O, into its component elements of hydrogen and oxygen.
  • If this electric current is produced by a renewable source (e.g. Solar PV or a wind turbine), the clean hydrogen produced is known as green hydrogen.
  • The report predicted that hydrogen demand in India could grow more than four-fold by 2050, representing almost 10% of global hydrogen demand.

Benefits of Adoption of Green Hydrogen:

  • Adoption of green hydrogen will result in 3.6 giga tonnes of cumulative CO2 emissions reductions between 2020 and 2050.
  • Energy import savings from green hydrogen can range from $246 billion to $358 billion within the same period.
  • Beyond the financial savings, the energy security that green hydrogen provides will translate to less volatile price inputs for India’s industries as well as strengthen India’s foreign exchange situation in the long run.

Recommendations on adoption of Green Hydrogen:

  • It has recommended tax breaks like reduction or exemption of GST and customs duties on green hydrogen production.
  • Facilitate investment through demand aggregation and dollar-based bidding for green hydrogen.
  • Set up green hydrogen corridors in participation with states starting with three such corridors, and funding startups working in the space.
  • Promote exports of green hydrogen and green hydrogen-embedded products through a global hydrogen alliance.
  • Initiate green hydrogen standards and a labelling programme.

Add on:

  • Centre notified the Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia Policy.


Which of the following statements are correct regarding Green Hydrogen?

1. It is produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen

2. It can be transformed into electricity or synthetic gas

3. It can be mixed with natural gas to burn thermal power plant

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3
