2023 JUN 28
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Economic Development > Indian Economy and Issues > Government Schemes
Why in news?
- The Union Minister of Textiles has talked about the Pradhan Mantri Mega Integrated Textile Region and Apparel (PM MITRA) Scheme at the inaugural function of the 69th India International Garment Fair (IIGF) at Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
About PM-MITRA Scheme:
- It is inspired by the 5F vision of PM –Farm to Fibre to Factory to Fashion to Foreign to realize the dream of building an Aatmanirbhar Bharat by positioning India strongly on the Global textiles map.
- It is in line with the SDG-Goal 9: “Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”
- The scheme aims to create a world-class industrial infrastructure that would attract cutting-edge technology and boost FDI and local investment in the sector.
- Nodal point– Ministry of Textiles.
Supports provided by the government under the scheme:
- Competitiveness Incentive Support (CIS) - The government will provide a fund of Rs.300 Crore to ‘investors’ setting up production facilities to incentivize manufacturing units to get established.
- For a Greenfield Park ‘developer’, the centre will provide 30% of Capital Support from the Project Cost, with a cap of Rs.500 Cr.
- For a Brownfield sites ‘developer’, the centre will provide 30% of Capital Support from the Project Cost, with a cap of Rs. 200 Cr.
PM MITRA parks:
- Seven sites were chosen out of 18 proposals for PM MITRA parks which were received from 13 States.
- The Ministry of Textiles will oversee the execution of the mega textile park projects.
- A special purpose vehicle (SPV) owned by the Centre and State Government will be set up for setting up and operationalising each park.
- State governments will be responsible for providing contiguous and encumbrance-free land parcels of at least 1000 acres of land. They will also facilitate the provision of all utilities, a reliable power supply and water availability and waste disposal system, and an effective single window clearance system.
PM MITRA scheme, sometimes seen in the news, aims for:
(a) Enhancing competitiveness of the textiles industry
(b) Promoting the Self Help Groups in rural areas
(c) Providing affordable and quality education to the citizens for free
(d) Boosting regional air connectivity